As part of its internationalization strategy, the Alianza 4 Universidades is seeking to strengthen and widen its links with African universities. In this regard, the A-4U has organized a Series of Debates with African scholars in Autumn 2021 around 4 topics about the present and the future of Africa, such as feminism, migrations, climate change and African culture. The Event, entitled “Reshaping the Dialogue with Contemporary African Worlds” and addressed to the University community and the general public, has been funded by the Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade (ICEX).
The Event will count on the presence of eminent personalities of international prestige and leading researchers. The 4 Debates will be conducted by a team of moderators with extensive experience in the African continent: La Vanguardia correspondent in Africa and author of several books on the Continent, Xavier Aldekoa, and the journalist and writer Agus Morales, director of the Revista5W magazine who publishes articles at The New York Times on a regular basis.
The debates will be held on a blended basis and in English (translation service available English/Spanish on the 1st and 2nd Debates). Online assistance will be via zoom and they will also be streamlined live on the A-4U YouTube channel.
On this occasion AMENET participates in the organisation of the second Debate “What can Africa tell us about Migration?”, to be held on 26 October.
Participants and attendants to the Debates, both on site and online, are asked to register through the Event webpage at least 2 days prior to the Debate of their choice.